Deer & Baby BAMBI Of The Day — July 9, 2023.

by Anura Guruge
on July 9, 2023

Click images to ENLARGE.

Wow. Wow. Wow.

I lucked out. GOT to see a BABY BAMBI plus the mother. Saw the mother first. It is the same one that I have been seeing, roughly in this area, for the last ‘month’. That was good.

She saw me. She was NOT unduly perturbed. But, I backed away. I did NOT want to scare her. I am so glad. When I looked back, a few minutes later, BAMBI had appeared. So cute. Wow. Made my day. So, glad I did not scare the mother away.

One thing that WORRIES me. Look at the TOP picture. You can see the mother’s ribs. We have had a ton of rain & everything, including the grass, is growing like crazy. So, she has plenty to eat. I hope she is NOT sick. I am NOT an expert on deer. Maybe this is normal. If you KNOW, please let me know.

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