‘Concerts In The Clouds’ (‘Great Waters’), 3rd Concert, July 31, 2021: ‘Classic Albums Live’ — ‘Hotel California’.

by Anura Guruge
on July 30, 2021

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

The current segment of their Tour Schedule
(from their Website).

Click to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classic_Albums_Live

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hotel_California_(Eagles_album)

Check out this YouTube video.

Classic Albums Live‘ is a tribute band with a TWIST. Unlike other tribute bands, e.g., last week’s ‘Australian Bee Gees‘, they don’t do a compilation ‘best of‘ a given group. Instead, they do ONE ALBUM — ‘note for note, cut for cut‘. OK. That is interesting.

I have NOT heard of them before. So, not sure how this works. Do they just do that one album — in this case ‘Hotel California‘ by the ‘Eagles‘ & that is it? I have no idea. I did, however, do a quick tot-up of the track lengths. With breaks between the tracks we could get about an hour’s worth. That might be a tad short for a concert. So, they might throw in some other songs. I will let you know.

I like quite a few songs from ‘Hotel California‘. So, I am cool.

The weather is supposed to be storm & rain free. The temperature might fall into the 60s when the sun goes down. That is OK. I can deal with that.

This promises to be good. Very good. See you there.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

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