Clouds Will Likely Obscure Tonight’s Total Lunar Eclipse Over Central New Hampshire.

by Anura Guruge
on May 15, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘‘.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘‘. Image from NASA.

I had a bad feeling about this for days. That is why I did NOT do a post on tonight’s total Lunar Eclipse earlier. By Wednesday of last week I had already seen that rain was being forecast for Sunday. So, I didn’t want to raise expectations IF we were going to be foiled by the weather (– again, as so often happens up here when it comes to matters celestial.)

I go out for a quick 1-mile walk, every night, around 11:30pm. So, the timing of this eclipse was perfect for me.

Last night, around 11:35, I noticed that the near full moon was peeking from behind thick clouds. So, that gave me a hint of what we could expect tonight — though I think the clouds will be thicker, & rain-filled tonight.

But, if you are up, around 11pm, you definitely should go out and take a gander. There could be a break in the clouds. You never know. It is always a great sight.

Yes, we did have a lunar eclipse over New Hampshire on January 20, 2019.

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