Cardinal Elector Demographics — Feb. 8, 2024.

by Anura Guruge
on February 8, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. Just the snippet — the top 20 entries, sorted by age.

Click to ENLARGE.

With what WAS the invaluable ā€˜Salvador Mirandaā€™ ā€˜Cardinals Websiteā€™ now MAJORLY out-of-date, I had to do something in order to stay abreast with where we stood with the Cardinal Electors. [Salvador LAST UPDATED his website (ALAS) on May 8, 2023.]

I have had this Excel for over a decade — but I have NOT been diligent about keeping it updated. I could always rely on (my dear friend) Salvador to provide me with the data.

NOT SO, now.

So, over the last few days I updated the Excel. It appears to add up. I have numerous checks to make sure that it all adds up. BUT, PLEASE CHECK.

NOW the ONLY RELIABLE website for BASIC cardinal demographics is ‘Catholic Hierarchy‘. It tends to be very up-to-date, but the data is LIMITED. Please do NOT trust any other sites — at least at present. Got that.

The observant among you will have noticed that I have an OFFSET feature. That means I can ADVANCE the date — 30-days, 45-days … whatever FORWARD. That way I can see what the demographics look like going forward. SMILE. The joys of having TWO degrees in Computer Technology!

One thought on “Cardinal Elector Demographics — Feb. 8, 2024.

  1. admin Post author

    Ahhh! You are getting MORE FORGETFUL? Old age or drugs?
    YOU told me that Francis accepted that his birthday was the last day of the year. So, I, SOMETIMES, listen to what you have to say.
    Dear Idi. I guess this will backfire on Francis. Idi, like ALL the African cardinals, will VOTE AGAINST a Francis II. So there goes your Tagle — down in flames.
    I have been THINKING (& I am good at that).
    Modern popes take an assumed regnal name. Well, we should also give them an OFFICIAL BIRTHDAY … like the Queen had.
    So … now that Idi’s birthday is fixed,
    I propose that we make April 1 is the official birthday for Francis.
    I am sure you will support that. Thanks. Pax.


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