‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ & ‘Merlot’ Blend — Suits My Palate Well.

by Anura Guruge
on May 3, 2024

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It would be stupid & disingenuous to deny it. It sure was the label that caught my eye — & you have to admit that it is provocatively eye-catching.

That it was Cabernet Sauvignon & Merlot then piqued my interest. I am partial to both & they tend to be the two type I buy the most. Then, I read the back. “No Butts About it” made it irresistible. I had to get it. That they claimed it was ‘full bodied’ & ‘fruity’ was a bonus. Those are attributes I look for in a wine. So, I bought a bottle — in ‘Poughkeepsie‘, NY.

They are true to their words, no butts about it. Fruity, full-bodied & smooth. Goes down easily — which, alas, is a problem because I have severely cut back on my wine consumption after becoming pre-diabetic. I drink 1/6th of what I used to! I can no longer claim to be an alcoholic. Not happy about that. I liked being an alcoholic. Well …

Give it a try. If you like red wine I am sure you will enjoy it.


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