‘Bucket List’ I Can Relate To — ‘White River Junction’, Vermont.

by Anura Guruge
on May 9, 2023

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A covered container of crayons has been (thoughtfully) provided & some have used the crayons to produce some nice ‘art’.

Definitely MY kind of bucket list. Not pretensions. Not extravagant. Realistic & true to life. But, I will also acknowledge that the demographics of this are fairly obvious & that makes it both cute & profound. The contributors most likely had to have been young adults. Nothing wrong with that. I can’t imagine too many 70 year olds taking time to write on ‘this wall‘. They should. But, just reading it was not only entertaining but thought provocing.

There were two that truly resonated with I: ‘LIVE‘ & ‘go everywhere’.

Not that dissimilar to MY bucket list. Not sure about ‘everywhere’ BUT I sure do plan to go as many places as I can.

My bucket list is very modest, hugely realistic & above all very DOABLE. I like that. That is in keeping with my lifestyle. I would rather have modest goals & nail them than shoot for the stars & fall on my face.

Not sure about ‘kissing a lot of cows‘. I they talking about the four-legged kind? Not sure. I am sure I have never kissed a bovine cow. I might have been licked by one, but even then I can’t be sure. Though it is something to think about, I know that this will not make it to my personal bucket list.

This joyful list CONFIRMED that I LIKE ‘White River Junction‘, Vermont — & not just for the trains (though that sure did play a role). Dynamic, high-energy, VERY ARTISTIC town. I was very impressed. Planning to go back SOON — maybe within the week!

Stay tuned. I have more photos & posts about this delightful town, White River Junction, Vt.

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