‘Bold Coast, Maine — In Two Days or Less’, Is #5 Maine Travel Guides Two Days After Publication.

by Anura Guruge
on June 6, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. From Amazon.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Amazon listing (link).

This is the $2.50 eBook. So, this is NOT going to make me rich. I think my royalties on the eBook is like 35 cents a copy. So, if I sell 100 I will make $35 in royalties. That is, as some of you well know, not enough to even keep me in red wine for two weeks.

But (sour grapes notwithstanding) I no longer write for the money. SMILE. I just like to write. Actually I lie. IF I don’t write I get physically & emotionally ILL. Yep. A terrible addiction. I have to write. I have not written (as in for a book) in 2 weeks and I am NOT a happy camper. I have get back to writing soon. Yes, another book has already been started.

These Amazon RANKINGS change by the MINUTE. I dare NOT look again. I am probably down to 16 or less. As soon as someone places an order the rankings change.

But, it was NICE to be #5 even if it was for a few minutes (at that). SMILE.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

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