‘Bold Coast’: ‘Lubec’, Maine — Some Whimsical Images.

by Anura Guruge
on June 4, 2024

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My incessant ‘Bold Coast’ ambling has never been restricted to the Preserves, State Parks, cliffs & waters edge. I do a lot of ambling in Lubec — especially first thing in the morning and LATE at night [i.e., after 10pm when everyone, but everyone, is sound a sleep for miles around & I have the ‘Water Street‘ are ALL TO MYSELF. Smile.

Over the years I have taken hundreds of pictures of Lubec — multiple shots of the same thing or image. Many appear in my Bold Coast books — as they should.

I took the above pictures on my last visit — on Friday, May 17, 2024. I spent an unusually long time in Lubec that day because I didn’t have to take any pictures for a new book. I could take it easy. Goof around. SMILE.


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