BIGGEST Question Re. Chinese Spy Balloon — Why Wasn’t It SPOTTED By U.S. Radar?

by Anura Guruge
on February 3, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’.

It was spotted, FOR THE FIRST TIME, by passengers on a regular, commercial jet flying over ‘Billings’, Montana. Not even by the pilots. By passengers. That is crazy & SCARY.

It was NOT detected by U.S. radar?

That alone is THE STORY.

That has to be the biggest intelligence that China or Russia wanted. Must have exceeded all expectations. They could get this huge balloon, three times the size of a school bus that far into the U.S. without detection.

There has to be more to this than we are being told.

But, I don’t like it. It is scary. It is UNREAL.

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