BEWAIL! 2023 Summer Solstice In N.H. — My Least Favorite Day Of The Year — Is TODAY (June 21st); I HATE The Summer Solstice.

by Anura Guruge
on June 21, 2023

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Our ancestors, much wiser than we like to give them credit, had it RIGHT. SPOT ON. The ‘Winter Solstice‘ is the day to REVEL. The day to celebrate. The Winter Solstice marks DAYS GETTING LONGER. Tells you that there is HOPE. Light at the end of the tunnel. Summer is coming.

Not so the bloody Summer Solstice. Damn. Days start getting shorter as of tomorrow!

Few will ever appreciate how much I detest the bloody Summer Solstice. Easily my least favorite day of the year.

That people think that it signals the start of the Summer is so, so, so STUPID. It does NOT signal the start of the Summer — stupid! It signals the start of the Winter!

Does days get longer as of the Summer Solstice?

They bloody well don’t. They start getting shorter, & do so fast.

The bloody Summer Solstice tells you — IF you are SMART — that Winter is coming & it is coming FAST.

Wise up. The Summer Solstice is a terrible day. Nothing to celebrate. Mourn. Mourn. Mourn the Summer Solstice.

Mourn the Solstice, start getting ready for Winter.

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