ANTI-Cardinal John ‘Idi’ Njue From Kenya Highlighting The Biden-Like Ineptness Of The Pope Francis Papacy.

by Anura Guruge
on July 21, 2024

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Just like an antipope, an anti-cardinal. An illegitimate cardinal. John ‘Idi’ Njue (dob: unknown) is now an illegitimate cardinal. He is also a disgrace to humanity, but in many ways a credit to Kenya and the Church. They get what they deserve. He is gaming the system.

I was onto him 16-months ago. The first to anticipate that he was upto NO GOOD.

Click to access my post from March 2023.

I ALSO openly & clearly stated on April 1, 2024 (my designated birthday for this disgrace) that he would AGAIN change it SO THAT he could continue being an elector.

BINGO. On May 1, 2024, exactly a month later he did.

This should never have happened.

It is an INSULT to good, decent non-African cardinals who have all gracefully aged-out without trying to GAME THE SYSTEM. He is an insult to humanity. He is a disgrace to humanity.

He is also said to have fathered, per ‘Kenya Today’ on Facebook, a daughter.

So, in the last few months we have had OUTSTANDING cardinals such as ‘Marc Ouellet‘ and ‘Sean Patrick O’Malley‘ age out. And we still have this disgrace gaming the system.

He should NOT have accepted this SECOND change of birthday. He should have said, NO.

But, where his Francis?

He is more senile and inept than Biden. He has disappeared for the Summer. Probably on oxygen and getting more obese.

This should never have been permitted to happen.

There should be a RULE saying that a cardinal MUST have an accepted date of birth prior to being created.

STUPID. STUPID. STUPID. But, then again they, bar a few exceptions, deserve each other.

Such a shame that there is NO GOD. Smile.

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