‘Alec Baldwin’ Shooting Mishap On ‘Rust’ — My Claim Of ‘Sabotage’, 2-Weeks Ago, Now Gaining Ground.

by Anura Guruge
on November 4, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. Link to U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ original.

Click to ENLARGE. Search on U.K. ‘Daily Mail’. Google for more.

Click to access my October 21, 2021 post. 2-weeks ahead of the pack!

I put the ‘sabotage’ possibility out as soon as I heard the tragic news. It was kind of obvious to I — but, I am the first to admit that my mind (thankfully) doesn’t work along the same lines (or at the same speed) as most.

This sabotage claim will gain momentum. It makes sense. Wait & see.

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