A 110 Pound ‘Newfie’ Puppy Chasing A Butterfly In A Meadow — YouTube Video.

by Anura Guruge
on May 24, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. YouTube video below.

Rowen’, our 110 lbs (or thereabouts), 19-month old Newfoundland (‘Newfie’) pup from Iowa is a constant delight. Always up to something.

This was this morning during her 2-hour, 4-mile(+) walk. This is a fairly large grass area ahead of our beach. I had her on her leash as their were some folks around. Most of the time, in this area, she is off leash. She saw the butterfly & tugged. I let her go. She is on a choker, so I could, within reason, restrain her IF I had to. But, I let her go. Didn’t have time to remove the leash. She didn’t care.

She chases butterflies and falling leaves DAILY.

She also goes swimming. She is a JOY.

From two days ago — BEFORE her walk, waiting for me to get out of bed.

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