Category Archives: Opinions

Not Sure It Is A Good Idea For The U.S. To Cross Swords With Antivirus Expert ‘Kaspersky’.

by Anura Guruge
on June 21, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

I have never used ‘Kaspersky’. I had gone with ‘Avast‘ 20+ years ago & stuck with them (through thick & thin) until a few weeks ago.

But, I have always had tremendous respect for Kaspersky. They sure seems to know their stuff & they consistently are at the top of most antivirus rankings.

Given how good they are at antivirus protection they have to know a LOT about PC vulnerabilities and how they can be exploited.

I have always maintained that antivirus software is the BIGGEST & MOST DANGEROUS virus you have on your PC. You have given that software carte blanche access to your whole PC. The antivirus software knows everything about your PC, what is on it & can change more or less anything on your PC.

A ROGUE antivirus program can wreak havoc. That is what scares me. I would NOT want Kaspersky upset with me. They probably can do us all a fair amount of harm — surreptitiously.

This is just me being cautious in my old age. Think about it.

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This Blog, i.e., ‘’, Now Has 1,000 Followers.

by Anura Guruge
on June 2, 2024

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Click to ENLARGE.

Got the above notification from ‘WordPress‘ earlier today.

I am chuffed.

I fully appreciate that it is not even peanuts. Folks have MILLIONS of followers. Well, obviously, that is NOT I. I now have 1,000 & I am HAPPY & HUMBLED. Thank YOU.

This blog, a whole NEW blog for I, came to be on June 13, 2021. So, just under 3 years ago. This blog, as some of you may have noticed, makes ZERO ATTEMPTS at monetization. No Ads, no promotions. I also refuse to stick to one topic or theme in the hope of attracting a following. This blog is mainly for me to have FUN, be able to say what I want. SMILE. Oh, yes, also to remind you all, regularly, to SMILE.

Given all the setbacks I have endured in my life, I am happy with small wins in life. Always better than a kick in the teeth. That is how I view these things.


Thanks. I appreciate YOUR support.

When Stupidity & Audacity Has NO BOUNDS. Anonymous Poster Demands Right Of ‘Free Expression’ (Without Seeing Irony)!

by Anura Guruge
on April 3, 2024

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Click to ENLARGE.

There is NOBODY more in favor of the RIGHT for “Free Expression” than I.

My ONLY condition. You can’t do it ANONYMOUSLY.

“Free Expression” by all means — but you can’t expect FREE INTERCHANGE if you don’t identify yourself.

I abhor COWARDS. Cowardice irks me. IF you can’t say something to MY FACE, I have no time for you.

Anonymous posting is like shooting someone in the back.

For free expression to WORK you need to know who that other person is & where they are coming from.

On the Web you don’t KNOW who you are dealing with.

So, this anonymous poster (who is like a STALKER) … I have started to check him out.

Just as I thought. His (& I am sure it is a HE because women, in general, have more grace) e-mail … Hhhmmm.

So, again, let me make it very clear. FREE EXPRESSION VERY WELCOME. You just can’t do it anonymously. Fair, right. [Plus, my blog. SMILE.]

I Assert MY RIGHT To Censor Comments On This Blog From Anonymous Posters.

by Anura Guruge
on March 29, 2024

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Click to ENLARGE.

I detest those that don’t have the guts and fortitude to interact openly.

Maybe it is because I am an open book.

I don’t write anonymous posts, anonymous comments or anonymous reviews.

I will NOT GIVE any credence to this letter critical of Pope Francis supposedly written by an anonymous cardinals. Ya. I believe that. These days that letter could have been written by a Chinese ROBOT.

Just in case any of YOU are confused, let me please clarify a few things.

>> My BLOG. Not a public blog. I pay (a fair amount of money annually) for this blog. My dollar. My BLOG.

>> In case you have NOT noticed, this Blog bears MY NAME: MY BLOG.

>> My platform. My megaphone. My opinions. MY BLOG.
Not a public platform.

>> IF you want unrestricted access to comment JUST identify yourself.

OK. Got that? Smile. {There are some who seem to have trouble grasping this.} MY BLOG. My dollar. [I intentionally won’t say ‘My Dime’ because we are talking some serious money (albeit tax deductible) when it comes to ALL the costs associated with this blog — including what some of the plugins costs (yearly).]

Get that. IF I know WHO YOU ARE (& yes there a few posters here who are friends) I will allow you to post things that I might not agree with — or makes me look a fool (which is not that hard to do). Just today I approved and responded to a comment where I admitted that I WAS WRONG.

Yes, I will cut tremendous SLACK — IF I know who you are.

Only fair.

I will EVEN entertain SOME COMMENTS from those that I do NOT KNOW — if I find them to be ‘OK’ or amusing.

Yes, there is a poster here who name is patently BOGUS. And he/she won’t identify themself. But, to be fair, their comments NEVER raise my hackles. Most times, like one today, are AMUSING.

Come on. This can’t be that hard to understand.

I assert my RIGHT to deal with anonymous posters.

Identify yourself & I will tolerate much abuse.

That is the DEAL. IF you want unfettered ACCESS TO MY BLOG, then I need to know who the hell you are.


Any questions?

Whether I respond that last question will depend on whether I know you.




The New ‘Pixel Fold’ Is Not For I — & It Is NOT Sour Grapes.

by Anura Guruge
on May 12, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google Store‘.

No, it is NOT the price, though I will readily confess that $1,800 does give one pause. But, given the trade-in I would get for my ‘Pixel 7 Pro‘ I could get it for around $1,000 which is not that different to what the ‘Pixel 7 Pro’ cost when I bought it (though I also had a trade-in for that).

It has ALL to do with how I use MY phone.

As some of you know I MAINLY (like 97% of the time) use my phone to take photos. That is it. My phone, these days, is MY camera.

I am NOT big into phone calls or TXTs. So, I can go for days, maybe even weeks, without EVER having use my phone as a phone! That is I.

I also don’t do e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, banking, etc. on my phone. Do those on my BIG, dual-monitor desktop PC. I also happen to have THREE 10.2″ Android tablets.

So, the Pixel Fold is neither here nor there for I.

IF it was 6.7″ when folded (i.e., same size as my 7 Pro) I would consider it.

Plus, they are saying battery life will not be as good as on the 7 Pro. That is not good. With the 7 Pro I get a day’s worth even when I am using it, extensively, to take pictures. A shorter battery life will make life more difficult.

So, for NOW, I am taking a pass on the Pixel Fold.

“Biden’s” Classified Document Mess: Two Interrelated Questions — Did He Have To Disclose & Why Aren’t The Documents TRACKED?

by Anura Guruge
on January 15, 2023

From ‘Google News’.

If these documents are so SECRETIVE & SENSITIVE as they are said to be, why are they NOT tracked & monitored?

With computers it would be trivial to keep & MAINTAIN an accurate LOG of what documents were given to whom & whether they were returned.

Come on! This is NOT rocket science.

You wouldn’t have to do it with all documents, ONLY those of a certain level & above. Some of these, both with Biden & ‘Trump‘, are said to be ‘sensitive compartmented information facility’ (SCIF) level documents. Come on. If they are that sensitive why aren’t they more closely TRACKED?

45-years ago I worked for IBM which used to be paranoid about security — industrial espionage (in particular), but also too much government snooping. They had a very hierarchical document security system. The highest level that (quite junior at the time) I had access to was deemed ‘Registered Confidential‘ documents. The ‘Registered’ part designated that the document was indeed registered — there was a log of it & you had to sign it out & sign it in, in presence of a document custodian. So, IBM had a track of who had the document & whether it had been RETURNED.

This was 45-years ago. Basically like a library book check-out/check-in system.

Obviously the U.S. government does NOT have such a system, even for SCIF level documents.

Think about it.

If they did, they would have known that both Trump & Biden still had checked-out documents that they had NOT returned. Come on. This is simple stuff.

Now to my next question.

So, there was NO record that Biden had these 20 (or so) confidential documents.

Can we all agree on that (& ditto for the hundreds that Trump is supposed to have taken with him).

So, what would have happened IF Biden had not disclosed it?

Had them destroyed or sent to the ‘National Archives’ in a plain envelope.

Could they have been traced back to Biden?

Basically, Biden, the ol’ Catholic guy, was being too honest, too much of a gentleman.

Think about it.

Yes, if he got caught he would have to be impeached & maybe even sent to jail. But, what were the chances of that.

IF it was his lawyers who found them he would have been protected by their client-attorney privilege. WOW.

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‘U-Haul’, ‘Concord’ (NH), Did An Admirable Job Obtaining & Installing A 1/2″ Hitch On My 2022 ‘Mazda CX-30’.

by Anura Guruge
on January 10, 2023

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Click images to ENLARGE.

This is what I wanted the hitch for.

Yes, it took U-Haul close to 3-months to get this hitch but it was not all their fault. Their suppliers kept on letting us down. I ordered the hitch in mid-September 2022 & they, i.e., U-Haul in Concord, NH, only got it in mid-December 2022. During that time I got to know many of the folks at that U-Haul location. THEY WERE OUTSTANDING. A great bunch of human beings; helpful, courteous & professional. I will never go anywhere else for another hitch OR anything else I can get from U-Haul.

I was very impressed & pleased.

They did a nice job & the pricing was outstanding. Yes, they gave me quite the discount to compensate for the delay. [I bought a few accessories from them to makeup for that.]

I needed a hitch for my new Mazda CX-30 so that I can attach a small cargo carrier platform. Well I finally have a hitch & I used the platform that very day. It all worked great. I am very happy.

Lot Of Good Cricket On ‘Willow TV’ After The ‘ICC Men’s T20 World Cup’.

by Anura Guruge
on November 12, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE.

I haven’t watched ‘Willow TV‘ in weeks (though I have a fully paid up annual subscription) because, alas, they don’t have the streaming rights to the T20 World Cup. Instead, I have been watching all the World Cup games on ‘ESPN+‘. Though the cricket watching experience with them is nowhere near even close to that of Willow, they, to their credit, have done a fairly decent job with the World Cup. Much to my delight & relief we do have 15- to 16-minute highlights of all the matches. Those are what I watch. I don’t have the time to watch 3- to 4-hour long match.

But, with the World Cup ending on Sunday, i.e., November 13, 2022, Willow will be back in the streaming business. Hence, why I wanted to share the upcoming schedule with you. They sent it to me in the form of an e-mail. Enjoy.

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“Mr. Harrigan’s Phone” (2022 Movie (On Netflix)) Thought Set In ‘Maine’ & Written By Maine’s ‘Stephen King’ Was Shot, Entirely, In ‘Connecticut’!

by Anura Guruge
on October 12, 2022

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Click to access the ‘IMDb’ listing for this 2022 movie now on Netflix.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. From IMDb (above).

Click to ENLARGE & read here. From Netflix.

What is infuriating about this is that the story (& as such this movie) STARTS by saying it is set in Maine (albeit in the fictitious town of Harlow). After that Maine gets mentioned, fairly regularly, quite a few times. That, as some know, is quite common with ‘Stephen King‘ works. He is a proud Mainer & likes to promote the state. Plus, it makes sense to set stories in a state that you are extremely au fait with.

So it was beyond annoying to see that this movie was NOT shot in Maine. It is pretty obvious to anyone who knows Maine — & while I have yet to cover all of Maine, I do know Maine quite well.

Why it could NOT have been shot in Maine is a mystery to I. Maybe it has to do with union regulations, local fees or state requirements. [I just did a quick Google. It appears that Maine is actually quite a cheap & fun place to make movies!]

Does NOT make sense. Don’t tell me that it is because they couldn’t find a fancy house in Maine. Au contraire. There are plenty of grand houses in Maine. There really is no shortage. So, that can’t be used as an excuse.

This movie could easily have been shot around the Rockland/Rockport/Camden area or even towns further south.

I am surprised that Stephen King, who I assume had some kind of say, did NOT object.

Well, I don’t care about others, I am offended & aggravated that this movie was NOT made in Maine.

Oh, it wasn’t very good either!

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Getting A Hitch Installed By ‘U-Haul’ Was NOT A Hitchless Experience. Disappointed.

by Anura Guruge
on September 28, 2022

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I need a hitch for my new Mazda CX-30 so that I can attach a small cargo carrier platform. The dealership, ‘Seacoast Mazda‘, was not in the least helpful. Basically blew me away. Said they couldn’t be bothered! So, I had to look at other alternatives.

I, as is inevitable, kind of knew that ‘U-Haul‘ did hitch installations. A quick Google confirmed this. So, I went to them online.

On Tuesday, September 20, 2022, the day after I got the CX-30, I placed at online order with them for a 2″ hitch. That part was easy enough & their prices were GOOD. I was impressed. I had asked for a Friday (Sept. 23) installation, but noticed that the EARLIEST that they would give me was Wednesday, September 28, 2022. I worked out, eventually, that they needed that lead time to get the hitch to Concord, NH for installation, i.e., it was not in stock & had to be ordered.

I was given a 2pm installation appointment for Sept. 28. I was all set. At 10am I get a call from them saying that they DON’T have the hitch! Ah! They also had NO TRACKING (i.e., FedEx) data. Basically the hitch had not shipped as yet, i.e., FedEx had NOT picked it up as yet. So, there was NO delivery time! Not good.

I had to go to Concord anyway. I had arranged to pick up a new microwave from ‘Best Buy’. So, I stopped by U-Haul. Neat operation & the ‘young kid’ was as helpful as he could be. But, he agreed that he had NO idea when the hitch would ship — let alone get delivered. So, I cancelled the whole order & SUPPOSEDLY got a refund on my credit card (which I have yet to see). Bottom line: I still don’t have a hitch.

Did a little more digging when I got home. I now see that U-Haul is claiming that the hitch I need will not be in stock till October 10, 2022! Why didn’t they tell me that earlier. Not good. Not happy.