‘603 Estate Sale’, At Ex-Funeral Home, ‘Penacook’ (N.H.) — July 17, 2021.

by Anura Guruge
on July 17, 2021


The only things I got. We didn’t need anything. Just for sport. But, couldn’t resist. Walking cane identical to another I have — just 1/2″ shorter. For $4? Hey? Candles work. Cute. Love the bases.

They did have AT LEAST two coffins. But, they were NOT for sale. Damn. I wanted to convert them into bookcases. I will never need a coffin. I abhor coffins. My mother needed three! My body is DONATED to science/medicine. No coffin for I.

We are veterans & HUGE fans of ‘603 Estate Sales‘. Local outfit from ‘Alton‘ & very nice/fun crowd. In their first year, 4- ot 5-years ago (I think), we went to ALL of their sales. It was ball. We even got some great pickings. They are very kind, fun (did I already say that) & generous.

We don’t go to all of them anymore. Don’t have the time or inclination. We don’t NEED anything & we can’t be bothered to ‘trade‘. So, we leave it for those that need to ‘find a bargain‘.

We now just go to ones that look unusual.


So, we were glad to see this one.

It was fun. Some of the folks we knew weren’t there. But, it was still fun. Just got a few things. Delighted that the battery-powered candles, with a MOVING flame, work. Not sure what we paid for the two. $2? I collect walking sticks — given my advanced age.

Glad we went. Thank you ‘603 Estate Sales’. We will come to at least a couple more before the snow.

| All taken with my (Jan. 2021) Google Pixel 5.
| Attribution will be strictly ENFORCED. |

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