Daily Archives: October 11, 2024

I Thought All Jewish Homes In The U.S. Sported A ‘Hamsa’. [I Was Wrong.]

by Anura Guruge
on October 11, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. Wikipedia. All images, bar two, from Wikipedia.

OK. In the scheme of things I haven’t been to that many — but I have been to quite a few. [Plus, I have visited Israel.]

We have a green Hamsa (above), from Israel, brought to us (on a visit) by what used to be my alter ego in the Holy Land. Well, that is, alas, no more. People & ideologies evolve and change.

Anyway, I always kind of assumed that a Hamsa was yet another of those essential items you had to have in all Jewish homes. I learnt recently that that is not the case. Good to know.

But, that seemed like a good omen to do this post. I like them. I like the one we have — hanging over our kitchen sink (so I see it often).

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Letting ‘Barack Obama’ Talk For So Long Was STUPID! It Just Highlighted How Inarticulate ‘Kamala’ Is.

by Anura Guruge
on October 11, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google‘. ‘Google‘ for more.

I, alas, only got to listen to about 30 minutes of it (while on my evening amble). It was brilliant. It was classic. It was vintage Obama. He is such a gifted and wonderful orator. I think the best since JFK. Better than ‘Reagan’. ‘Bill Clinton’ was also good, Obama, though, is much better. He is certainly better than ‘Trump‘. Yes, Trump too can connect with the audience, but Barack does so at a more visceral level. Trump must have hated that speech.

‘Kamala’ is NO Obama!

That is the problem.

Having Obama up there just reminded one as to how poor Kamala is when it comes to expressing herself. She is no orator. For all her supposed public experience she seems nervous and scared in front of a microphone. She is pathetic. In her interviews she looks like the proverbial ‘deer in the headlights‘.

Having Obama do HIS MAGIC for so long, yesterday, was STUPID. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Just made Kamala look even WORSE.

Not a good move. Oh, how I wish it was ‘Michelle’ who was running. Now she speaks well too. Think about it.

The election is done …

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Anura’s Picture Of The Day + 6 Others, October 11, 2024 — Night Photography.

by Anura Guruge
on October 11, 2024

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