Daily Archives: October 7, 2024

Anura’s Picture Of The Day + 6 Others, October 7, 2024.

by Anura Guruge
on October 7, 2024

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After Next Consistory We Will No Longer Have To Speculate As To Who Will Be The Next Pope.

by Anura Guruge
on October 7, 2024

Yes, this is POST-Dec. 9, 2024 — i.e., after the Dec. 8 Cardinal-Creating Consistory.

Way things are it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that we will have a Conclave prior to the Consistory. [If we did, the Consistory automatically gets cancelled.]

After the consistory the Francis faction will have an unassailable majority. The pope will get a successor in his own mold who will continue his ideology and reforms. That is what each pope hopes he will be blessed with. Popes John XXIII & John Paul II sure got their choice as their successors. Now so will Francis. Fair enough.

Ideally it should be ‘Victor‘ — the Acting Pope. But, there might be a reluctance to have two Argentinian popes in a row. That is the ONLY negative against Victor (who is doing a good job as Acting Pope — actually a very good job).

‘Tagle’ has the Asia thing going for him. There has never been a pope from Asia proper (the Holy Land doesn’t count as Asia). So, this will be a BIG thing. Another sign of the NEW Francis Church. Tagle will reignite the Church in Asia. So, that is why I am leaning towards Tagle though Victor would be a better pope.

But, as of NOW I am done with NEXT POPE. Just a choice between two. No need for the endless speculation. OK? Pax