Monthly Archives: September 2024

Anura’s Picture Of The Day + 6 Others, September 11, 2024.

by Anura Guruge
on September 11, 2024

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‘Secret Byrd’ (i.e., English Composer ‘William Byrd’) By ‘Revels’ Looks Mighty Interesting & Tempting.

by Anura Guruge
on September 10, 2024

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Click to ENLARGE. To access ‘Revels’ page for event.

I just saw this today and had to share it with you.

I am mighty interested. IRONICALLY, just this morning I saw a TV clip talking about how this AREA has become increasingly DANGEROUS for visitors! Yikes. Yes, drugs.

I need to check it out. Now, older I am not as flippant about threats as I used to be. But, I have time.

At The ‘Alton’, New Hampshire Polling Station (Today) — Which Was At The Highschool.

by Anura Guruge
on September 10, 2024

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I was there just before 6pm to vote in our local Primary.

This sign must have been there since at least 7am this morning.

I saw it as I was driving by. I walked back JUST to make sure I had seen in properly.

I wish I could have VOTED for better literacy. I blame SPELL CHECK. SMILE.

P.S., I am NOT a good speller. Had issues with spelling all my life. Yes, I do rely on spell check. SMILE.

Anura’s Picture Of The Day + 6 Others, September 10, 2024.

by Anura Guruge
on September 10, 2024

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‘John Brown’ Historic Homestead, ‘Lake Placid’, NY. — September 5, 2024.

by Anura Guruge
on September 9, 2024

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‘Amazfit’ ‘T-Rex 3’ Is Sure Cheap — BUT In Just ‘Titanium-Silver’ It LOOKS Cheap Too.

by Anura Guruge
on September 9, 2024

Click to ENLARGE.

I will readily admit that it could very well be an AGE THING. For the last 4-years I have always opted for TITANIUM-BLACK (i.e., titanium with a BLACK finish) over titanium-silver. I think (& I could be wrong) that the black radiates more class.

Yes, I am sure young athletes prefer the SILVER & think it looks cool.

Yes, I am sure that there are many who do NOT realize that you can get titanium in black. So they think the only way to ‘boast’ titanium is to have it in silver.

That Amazfit doesn’t do black in any of their ‘premium’ watches is telling. Has to be the demographic they are aiming for. Yes, the cheaper end of the market.

To I, the T-Rex 3, in SILVER, looks CHEAP — & it is sure cheap compared to a ‘Garmin‘ ‘Fenix 8‘. But, it is question of getting what you pay for.

IF Amazfit does do a T-Rex 3 in BLACK, I would check it out. Otherwise, I am NOT interested.

ONLY Way ‘Kamala Harris’ Has A CHANCE Of WINNING IS IF ‘Doddering Biden’ STEPS DOWN –> Let Her Be President.

by Anura Guruge
on September 9, 2024

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The ‘Kamala‘ sugar-high is now all gone. Right now she does NOT LOOK — nor ACT — PRESIDENTIAL. She looks like a deer in the headlights. She is NOT comfortable SPEAKING off the cuff.

Right now SHE WILL LOSE to Trump. That is a GIVEN.

The ONLY CHANCE she has, & even that might not be enough, is for Bloody, doddering Biden to STEP DOWN (as President) & let Kamala be President. That MIGHT help. MIGHT. Still might not be enough.

But, I doubt whether bloody, doddering Biden will step down.

He is such an egomaniac. WORSE THAN TRUMP.

I have never despised a politician as much as I do Biden.

He is handling over the Presidency to Trump BECAUSE of HIS bloody ego.

But, he will pay for it. Trump will go after him & Hunter. Yes, Biden will Pardon Hunter. Well, he better pardon himself too because Trump will go after him with a vengeance — & he deserves it.

Well, I have said MY PIECE.

Anura’s Picture Of The Day + 6 Others, September 9, 2024.

by Anura Guruge
on September 9, 2024

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Largest Reciprocating Engine In The World — ‘Wärtsilä RT-flex96C’.

by Anura Guruge
on September 8, 2024

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Facebook link.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Wikipedia.

The above (top) Facebook post appeared on my FB Timeline this morning. Caught my attention. I guess I had never given ‘it’, i.e., world’s largest engine, much thought. I should have. I will also confess, I had never really thought about what kind of engine/engines powered today’s giant ships. I had kind of assumed that they used a couple (or more) of fairly large engines.

Reading about this was great. Wow. Don’t fully appreciate the technicals but from the little I can gleam it is sure impressive.

Had to share it with you. Didn’t want YOU to miss it. OK? Cool?

‘Duncan Van Dorn’ (15) Practice Run At ‘Lake Placid’ (NY) High 128M Ski Jump.

by Anura Guruge
on September 8, 2024

Click to play 1:55 min. YouTube video or use EMBED below.

I have seen SMALL ski jumps (in places like our LOCAL ‘Gunstock‘ (NH)) BUT I had never seen, in person, an Olympic size jump. I did last week while visiting ‘Lake Placid‘, New York. I am HOOKED. Wow. I didn’t intend to, but I spent about 4.5 hours at the Jump Thursday & then went back for another hour on Friday. I am HOOKED. No. No. I could never jump. While I can tolerate heights (I keep on saying), I am not thrilled about heights (& I think it has got worse with age). But, I can watched, intrigued, for hours.

And that is what I did.

I lucked out. I heard some folks say that there would be some jumping, starting at 3:30pm, on Thursday. The officials weren’t 100% sure, but they said that they thought there might be some.

I came back at 3:30 & sure enough this YOUNG MAN was jumping.

Again, as is my luck, I got to talk with both parents. WOW. They are so neat & kind. They have a daughter too that used to jump, but now does the biathlon.

He made 3 jumps off the 128M HIGH jump & then did a couple off the 100M SHORT jump. This was his last jump from the 128M. I was lucky enough to be the ONLY person on the platform. WOW.