Daily Archives: September 20, 2024

The ONLY DC-3 Float Plane In Existence, Max Folsom’s, Takes To The Air 1-Year After His Sad Death.

by Anura Guruge
on September 20, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. Link to ‘Vintage Aviation‘ original.

April 2022 post.

Click images to ENLARGE.

2021 post.

Click image to access the 2021 post. Lot of background in that post.

I saw this FLOAT DC-3 at the Greenville, Maine (i.e., Moosehead Lake), airport in 2021 & as luck would have it also got to meet & chat with the owner of it, the legendary Max Folsom. I then went back in 2022 to see him again. He wasn’t in good health. So, I didn’t take any pictures of him — but I took more of the DC3. Suffice to say my posts have garnered considerable attention — especially when Max sadly passed away last September.

For the last week I have been getting a LOT of hits on my “Max DC3” posts. I knew that the famous ‘Greenville’, Maine flyby was Labor Day Weekend. This was just after. So, I knew something was up. I had not realized that it had flown.

I am glad. Of course, I am glad.

I just wish Max had lived to see it.

Five days shy of the one-year anniversary of his death. I WISH they had delayed it till the 19th. C’set la vie. All that matters is that it flew. Not sure whether it will get certified for regular flights.

Bravo, Max.

My Yearbook Picture From 1968, ‘Kensington High School’, ‘Buffalo’, NY.

by Anura Guruge
on September 20, 2024

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Click to ENLARGE. I am last on left, back row.
Click to ENLARGE. Zoomed in.

Another picture from 1967 – 1968.

I had lost my copy of this yearbook, the only year that I attended high school, many decades ago.

But, as I talked about here, I heard from one of my teaches, from that HS, earlier this year. She remembered my name (& for reasons I am still not clear about) she looked me up. Wow.

Well, she has a collection of yearbooks from all the years she taught there.

We have been in regular touch. Last week she located the yearbook for 1968 & looked me up. Today she sent me this picture.


My hair. SMILE. I always had a dread of getting my hair cut.

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Anura’s Picture Of The Day + 6 Others, September 20, 2024 — Night Photography.

by Anura Guruge
on September 20, 2024

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