Daily Archives: September 11, 2024

ABC’s ‘David Muir’ At Last Night’s Debate Was Impotent, Chauvinistic & His Right Hand Was SHAKING …

by Anura Guruge
on September 11, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. Base image from ‘Wikipedia‘.

He ruined the debate for me. He was IMPOTENT & intimidated by ‘Trump‘.

But worse still was always seeing his right hand SHAKING like a leaf. Was that just nerves? If so, he shouldn’t have got the job. I suspect that there is something wrong with him! He better get himself checked.

I also thought he HOGGED most of the questions. From what I ‘counted’ ‘Linsey Davis’ only got to ask about 4 questions. Not good.

As far as I was concerned the two ABC moderators were pathetic. Ineffective. They let Trump hog the mike. Poor show.

New Hampshire Governor ‘Chris Sununu’ Saves Man Choking On A Lobster Roll.

by Anura Guruge
on September 11, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. Link to original ‘AP’ article.

Way to GO Chris. Super cool.

I like Chris — despite him being a Republican. He, as far as I am concerned, is a good, fairly decent, reasonable & pragmatic Republican.

I would have VOTED for him as U.S. President. I said that, here, publicly. He would make a good President — definitely better than ‘Trump‘.

Well, maybe he will run in 2028.

He is a regular guy. I like that about him.

Glad That ‘Joyce Craig’ Prevailed Over ‘Cinde Warmington’ As Democratic Contender For New Hampshire Governor.

by Anura Guruge
on September 11, 2024

Click to ENLARGE.

Funny thing this. I had gone to a ‘Cinde Warmington’ ‘rally’ last November & had even spoken with her. My first reaction was that she was impressive. I even considered campaigning for her. BUT then as months passed and we moved into mid-2024 I started having doubts about her. She just did NOT seem to be cutting in — especially not against ‘Kelly Ayotte’, who is going to be formidable.

I have never seen Joyce Craig other than fleetingly on TV. But, I know she was mayor of ‘Manchester‘. From where I sit you don’t get elected mayor of that ‘tough’ City unless you have some real mettle. I can’t explain it, but she clicks with I.

So, I am GLAD. I hope she can win …. I HOPE.

Anura’s Picture Of The Day + 6 Others, September 11, 2024.

by Anura Guruge
on September 11, 2024

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