Daily Archives: August 29, 2024

Pope Francis Rather Than Criticizing Others Set An Example By Housing A Few Thousand Migrants At The Vatican & Castel Gandolfo.

Click to ENLARGE. News headlines from ‘Google News‘.

The pope, quite literally, is all talk and no trousers.

Why doesn’t he accept a few thousand migrants, both to help them and ease the pressure of the beleaguered European nations. He has got plenty of space at the Vatican & Castel Gandolfo.

The Vatican has lots of empty building. They also both have enormous gardens well suited for temporary ‘camp’ sites.

So, come on pope, stop lecturing others. Let’s see some action on your part.

‘Nvidia’ & Its Stock (NVDA) Reminds Me So Much Of ‘Cisco’ (CSCO) From 23-Years Ago. Déjà Vu?

by Anura Guruge
on August 29, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. Base chart (of course) from ‘marketwatch.com‘.

I guess most of today’s market commentator’s aren’t old enough to remember Cisco. I am old enough plus I was very intimately associated with Cisco in its glory days. So, yes, I owned CSCO ahead of 2000 and into around 2004. So YES I saw it spike up & come crashing down.

Cisco was the DARLING of the emerging Web. Just like Nvidia is the DARLING of the AI brigade. Cisco could do no wrong. It totally dominated Internet networking. Cisco was the king of routers.

And then it crashed. In the last two decades it has clawed itself back into the market. But, its stock price, even today, is basically 1/2 what it was at its high.

NVDA reminds me of this.

Did I learn from CSCO. Heck no. I rode CSCO up and was too scared to sell. Ditto NVDA. This is why I am poor. I don’t know when to sell. SMILE. But, I am used to being poor.

Anura’s Picture Of The Day + 6 Others, August 29, 2024.

by Anura Guruge
on August 29, 2024

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