Daily Archives: August 27, 2024

Why I Despair Of Today’s U.S. Colleges & Higher Education. I Have Seen This First Hand.

by Anura Guruge
on August 27, 2023

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Click to ENLARGE. From my Sept. 2024 Reader’s Digest, page 17.

Yes, I have three kids who have been to colleges in the U.S. — & yes, I paid.

NO, I never went to College in the U.S. I got my higher education in the U.K. (thank you) & got my Master’s in Computer Science from the University of London. Yes, that London.

I did teach, as an adjunct, at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), for a couple of years, 20-years ago. I gave up in despair. I was teaching postgraduate courses and some of the ‘kids’, native born Americans, couldn’t write a proper English sentence. I was teaching a Master’s class on Web technology & the whole class of about 22 all had no notion, whatsoever, as to how the Internet was funded and maintained.

I maintain that the U.S. college system is totally commercialized — getting a degree is a FINANCIAL TRANSACTION. Give us the money & we will give you a degree. Just like buying a burger at McDonald’s. Well the above questions PROVE my point.

REMEMBER these kids have LEFT HOME to attend College.

They are COLLEGE STUDENTS. Just think about it.

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Petting A Caged Tiger In A Zoo — What Can I Say. SMILE.

by Anura Guruge
on August 27, 2023

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Click to ENLARGE. Click for U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ story from today.

Long time ago; nearly 50 years. This was in the U.K.

I lived more or less next door to an open air zoo. They had a HUGE bengal tiger in an ‘open’ cage. I used to visit often, late in the day, after work. Can’t remember what the deal was. Whether I paid, had some arrangement or they just let me in because it was late and they knew I lived across the field.

I would go, sit by the cage, and talk to the tiger. Like a dog. I sat there & I would talk. After a while he got used to me being there, talking to him. Given the lateness of the day, there was never many folks around. He used to amble over and sit next to me across the fence! This went on for awhile. When I would get up to leave, he would get up too.

So, I was not a stranger. Yes, I progressed to sneaking my hand in and stroking him. Just like a dog.

Well I am typing & I have both hands. SMILE.

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‘August 27’, The One Day Of Some Significance In My Wholly Insignificant Life.

by Anura Guruge
on August 27, 2023

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Click to ENLARGE.

Wow. I joined ‘IBM‘ 50-years ago. Wow. I wonder what would have happened IF I hadn’t left 5-years later. Maybe I could have made something out of life. Who knows.

Left Ceylon 57 years ago. Wow.

Last time I was back, also in late August, was 1992. That was 32 years ago! That was for the funeral of my adoptive mother.

Time moves on, inexorably.

Well, I shouldn’t dwell too much on this. Who cares. Nothing I can do.


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Anura’s Picture Of The Day + 6 Others, August 27, 2024.

by Anura Guruge
on August 27, 2024

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