Daily Archives: August 14, 2024

“Mi’kmaq” & Their “Mawiomi” (i.e., Pow Wow): My 1st Encounter, I Hope It Works Out.

by Anura Guruge
on August 14, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From the ‘Mi’kmaq Nation’ websites.

No, NO, NOT my first pow wow by a long chalk. I am by now a pow wow veteran. This will be my 2nd this year. It will be my first exposure to the Mi’kmaq & I have NO IDEA what to expect. I hope it turns out to be GREAT.

Starting in 1981 I have spent a LOT of time with the ‘Navajo‘, in Arizona, on their lands. I love the Navajo. Yes, they have issues but they are a in the main gentle, kind, proud and honorable. I wish I could spend more time with them but Arizona is a bit far from home.

My encounters with Indians in these parts haven’t been as good. Yes, of course, I have met a SOME WONDERFUL, DELIGHTFUL soles. Folks I would be proud to call brothers. But, I have also had some bad, very bad experiences — with the ‘Passamaquoddy’. That is why I stay clear of ‘Eastport’ these days.

I am hoping the Mi’kmaq are more like the Navajo — though I have a feeling I will be disappointed. There aren’t that many pure, i.e., 100%, natives around here. Not so with Navajo. A much bigger NATION, spread across a bigger land.

Well, I am keeping fingers crossed. I will, of course, post. SMILE. I hope the Mawiomi will not make me sad.

Another Success Mending Split Tree Branches.

by Anura Guruge
on August 14, 2022

Click images to ENLARGE.

On the top picture is a peach tree that I planted 17 years ago. We had had chequered luck with it because ‘somebody’ (i.e., not I) prunes it too harshly.

This year, very early on in the Summer, the weight of the tiny fruits split the branch.

Yes, I propped it up and used a sling to give it more support.

But, I wanted to try and heal the branch. Mend it.

I have, over the last 10 years, had a fair amount of success mending branches and trees. I am kind of getting good at it.

So, I used all my tricks. I bolted it & used clamps to hold it together. In time I can take the clamps off. The bolt can stay. It has healed inside. All the sap is flowing. I am happy.

Anura’s Picture Of The Day + 6 Others, August 14, 2024.

by Anura Guruge
on August 14, 2024

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Anu’s Picture of the Day:

The other 6:
In smaller-size here in gallery, for FULL-SIZE (i.e., to ENLARGE) click on an image. You can then SCROLL through all 6 images ENLARGED.

| All taken with my (January 3, 2023) Google Pixel 7 Pro. | Post processing limited, at most to just adjusting brightness, if & when required. | Attribution will be strictly ENFORCED. |