Daily Archives: July 29, 2024

This Blog Has Moved To Facebook –> facebook.com/AnuraSNAGuruge

by Anura Guruge
on July 28, 2024

Click to ENLARGE.

You, luckily, don’t see it, BUT it had become a daily struggle to maintain this blog.

Yes, I rely on a LOT of images. WordPress and HostGator don’t like that. So, I get punished. It takes multiple attempts to get a post POSTED with all the images! Yesterday was the last straw.

I don’t make any money from this blog. So, whether I have it or not has no financial implications. That makes it much easier.

I am old. It takes me longer and more effort to do anything. Spending an additional 15-minutes a post is precious time I can better use on other work. Hence the decision.

I will still continue to do my ‘Anura’s Picture of the Day + 6 Others’ DAILY. Already did today’s. PLEASE, PLEASE follow me on FaceBook.

This blog continues here: