Daily Archives: July 21, 2024

I Appeared In The ‘Dean Phillips’ TV Ads Wayback Last Fall. I Had Been Wanting Biden Out For That Long.

by Anura Guruge
on July 21, 2024

Click to access my post from November 2023.

Nothing against Biden. I used to be HUGE fan. It was just that he was too old. Not his fault. We all get old. Glad he stepped down, though I wish he had done it much, much earlier. But, the key thing is that it is done.

Heard ‘Dean Phillips‘ speak to CNN this evening. He is supporting ‘Kamala Harris‘. Kind of disappointed, BUT he is being realistic. I applaud him for that.

But, just remember, I wanted Biden out LAST YEAR.

‘Kamala Harris’ & The ‘Asian Indian’ Votes — Especially The Women. A New Constituency.

by Anura Guruge
on July 21, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. Base image from ‘Wikipedia’.

The media, all day today, have been talking about ‘Kamala Harris‘ getting the black vote & the female vote. Though I have listened to a fair amount of TV/radio commentary I have yet to hear anyone mention the ‘Asian Indian’ bloc. Yes, it is still a small sliver. But, in swing votes a hundred thousand votes could be crucial.

She is NOT just black. She is Indian too.

Till now, most Indians, for reasons I will not go into here, have voted Republican. They have LOVED Trump.

But, now with Kamala, they will be torn, especially the women. They, i.e., Asian Indians, are proud of their heritage. They will get a real kick from having a 50% Indian as President.

So, just remember, WHO gave you this crucial heads up. SMILE.

ANTI-Cardinal John ‘Idi’ Njue From Kenya Highlighting The Biden-Like Ineptness Of The Pope Francis Papacy.

by Anura Guruge
on July 21, 2024

Click to ENLARGE.

Just like an antipope, an anti-cardinal. An illegitimate cardinal. John ‘Idi’ Njue (dob: unknown) is now an illegitimate cardinal. He is also a disgrace to humanity, but in many ways a credit to Kenya and the Church. They get what they deserve. He is gaming the system.

I was onto him 16-months ago. The first to anticipate that he was upto NO GOOD.

Click to access my post from March 2023.

I ALSO openly & clearly stated on April 1, 2024 (my designated birthday for this disgrace) that he would AGAIN change it SO THAT he could continue being an elector.

BINGO. On May 1, 2024, exactly a month later he did.

This should never have happened.

It is an INSULT to good, decent non-African cardinals who have all gracefully aged-out without trying to GAME THE SYSTEM. He is an insult to humanity. He is a disgrace to humanity.

He is also said to have fathered, per ‘Kenya Today’ on Facebook, a daughter.

So, in the last few months we have had OUTSTANDING cardinals such as ‘Marc Ouellet‘ and ‘Sean Patrick O’Malley‘ age out. And we still have this disgrace gaming the system.

He should NOT have accepted this SECOND change of birthday. He should have said, NO.

But, where his Francis?

He is more senile and inept than Biden. He has disappeared for the Summer. Probably on oxygen and getting more obese.

This should never have been permitted to happen.

There should be a RULE saying that a cardinal MUST have an accepted date of birth prior to being created.

STUPID. STUPID. STUPID. But, then again they, bar a few exceptions, deserve each other.

Such a shame that there is NO GOD. Smile.

‘Toumani Diabaté, ‘Kora King’, Dies The Day After I Had Seen His Brother ‘Madou Sidiki Diabate’ Perform In ‘Meredith’, N.H.

by Anura Guruge
on July 21, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. For Wikipedia. For my post yesterday on brother’s performance.

A weird coincidence.

Up until 7:30pm, Thursday, July 19, 2024, I had never heard of a ‘Kora‘ let alone the name ‘Diabate‘.

I was, as you must have worked out by now, blown away by this Kora duet performance. It was incredible.

I, per my wont, did some Googling the next day, i.e., Friday. Then a few hours later this news item pops up on my Google News Feed that ‘Toumani Diabaté‘ had died. I was still not au fait with the name. I had to look it up. Older brother, by 17 years, of the one I saw. [Not sure if they have the same mother.]


Right through Thursday night’s performance Mamadou Sidiki Diabaté was mute. He didn’t even mutter a thank you. I wondered if he was really MUTE! I even tried to look it up. I have since learnt that he was aware that his brother was seriously ill during the Thursday night performance. [He only heard about the death Friday lunchtime U.S. Eastern time.]


I am glad that I got this introduction to the Kora — from such a storied performer. I sure will try to catch more of his performances IF I can.

Anura’s Picture Of The Day + 6 Others, July 21, 2024.

by Anura Guruge
on July 21, 2024

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Anu’s Picture of the Day:

The other 6:
In smaller-size here in gallery, for FULL-SIZE (i.e., to ENLARGE) click on an image. You can then SCROLL through all 6 images ENLARGED.

| All taken with my (January 3, 2023) Google Pixel 7 Pro. | Post processing limited, at most to just adjusting brightness, if & when required. | Attribution will be strictly ENFORCED. |