Daily Archives: July 18, 2024

(My) ‘Navajo’ Get Some Good News Re. Water Rights, BUT Still A Long Way To Go.

by Anura Guruge
on July 18, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. Google for the news. Link to this article.

Click to ENLARGE. Google for the news.

As you can see from photo above, last year the Supreme Court dealt my Navajo a grievous blow re. water rights. I did do a post about it.

This latest news re. water rights is a much welcome & needed step in the right direction. A small but significant victory. Still a long way to do. But, it makes me HAPPY. I have special empathy for the Navajo. I can relate to them. Decent, good people, unlike some other tribes!

Just two pictures from my 2019 visit to ‘Canyon de Chelly‘ showing how DRY Navajo country is & how it affects everything, including the poor, feral horses.
Click to ENLARGE.

Starting with my first visit to Arizona in 1980, I have spent a LOT of time on ‘Navajo‘ reservations — including over 5 multi-day stays at ‘Canyon de Chelly‘ (still my favorite place in the WHOLE WORLD).

I have a particular & special affinity with the Navajo — the Diné.

I can relate to them & many of them relate to I. Some even say I look Navajo & could pass as one. I have spent a lot of time with them, trying to get to know them. They are lovely, gentle people. I feel so bad as to how they are downtrodden. This is another, inexcusable, blow. The Supreme Court is so arrogant. Nothing little, insignificant ‘I’ can do.

I will just leave you with. A video I was so fortunate in being able to record. A Navajo Morning Prayer.

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