Daily Archives: July 3, 2024

Rhinos Airborne When Trotting & Ants Can Amputate Injured Legs! Things I Learn By Listening To The ‘BBC’.

by Anura Guruge
on July 3, 2024

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. News stories from ‘Google News‘.

Given that I grew up in Britain I am both partial and used to British news. Thus, as some of you know, I read the U.K. ‘Daily Mail’, online, multiple times a day. It is my PRIMARY source of news, ahead of CNN & CNBC.

I also listen to the BBC news, multiple times a day, on ‘Sirius XM‘. Being able to get multiple news sources is one of the key reasons why I subscribe to Sirius.

I heard the ant story yesterday, and the rhino one today. It was NEAT. I wanted to share them with you. Now YOU know. OK? SMILE.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

How Will The British Celebrate The ‘4th of July’ 2024? By Holding A General Election To Choose A New Government.

by Anura Guruge
on July 3, 2024

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE.

Well at least in 2024 the Brits can have a real SNAPPY answer when they get asked by Americans as to how they would be celebrating the ‘4th of July’.

Pretty special. Obviously, it is just another day in Britain. Not special. Most Brits wouldn’t even know of the 4th of July. It is not an important day in British history — though you could, of course, argue that it should be.

Well, this year they have an answer.

I am envious of them. They have two fairly decent candidates!

The 2nd graphic above tells of MY 4th of July in 1985.

I have, over the years, got a LOT of mileage from this story.

I am 100% sure that this happens even today, even MORE SO. I am convinced that less & less Americans know & appreciate their history.

Anura’s Picture Of The Day + 6 Others, July 3, 2024.

by Anura Guruge
on July 3, 2024

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Anu’s Picture of the Day:

The other 6:
In smaller-size here in gallery, for FULL-SIZE (i.e., to ENLARGE) click on an image. You can then SCROLL through all 6 images ENLARGED.

| All taken with my (January 3, 2023) Google Pixel 7 Pro. | Post processing limited, at most to just adjusting brightness, if & when required. | Attribution will be strictly ENFORCED. |