2022 Volvos, With Google Android ‘Infotainment’ System — ‘Sirius XM’ Screen FREEZE Problem (Rather Serious).

by Anura Guruge
on November 17, 2021

I have an update, November 20, 2021, with a SECOND screen freeze. I have a YouTube video for this one. So, you might want to check that too.

Click to ENLARGE. It can FREEZE on any channel. Another had it FREEZE on Channel 75.

Click to ENLARGE. The ‘LP cover display’ also goes haywire. Rotates through 4, & only 4!

Click to ENLARGE. This, for now, is the only way to see what is playing! NOT GOOD.

Yes, it appears that I am NOT the only one that has encountered this infuriating Sirius XM screen FREEZE problem on new 2022 Volvos with the new Google Infotainment system. Remember that Sirius XM support was only added a few weeks ago. So, this software is new.

I drove my XC60 for 230 miles yesterday. Sirius XM worked fine. Favorite ‘selection’ is different to what it was in 2021 BUT it worked & you could live with it. I finished the day with Sirius XM on Channel 17 ‘The Bridge’.

This morning the DISPLAY was STUCK on it.

You can change channels BUT the display is FROZEN.

Clearing the screen, switching to radio, or other APPs, doesn’t clear it.

I also, later in the day (like at 6:30pm), did a hard/soft RESET of the display, i.e., holding the HOME key down for about 2 minutes. You first go through the ‘screen cleaning’ mode & then the display goes black, displays ‘Volvo’ & eventually the whole display (& the center console map) are ‘refreshed’.

In my case, this hard/soft RESET did NOT clear the FREEZE.

I am now told to do it again. I will tomorrow.

I think I am going to need a software update to fix this.

I will keep you posted.

4 thoughts on “2022 Volvos, With Google Android ‘Infotainment’ System — ‘Sirius XM’ Screen FREEZE Problem (Rather Serious).

  1. Joel

    Our ‘22 is completely missing SiriusXM. Not in the play store. Just not an option. It’s February 2022, why are issues still happening!

    1. admin Post author

      Are you in the US? There was a software update in late October 2021 that added Sirius. I picked up my damned XC60 on Nov. 2. It had Sirius. I had been told not to expect it. Last minute surprise. What level software are you on. Check my post TODAY. I have version number pictures. Check your version. All the best.

  2. Frank

    I have the same “freezing” issue on my brand new XC60 that I just picked up last week. If I had known about all these technical issues, I would not have bought this car. I drives great, but it seems so unfinished on the technology side. Anyhow, were you able to “unfreeze” the SiriusXM app?

    1. admin Post author

      Frank, also see what I said in your prior comment. To UNFREEZE you have to RESTART the ‘head’ unit. Just like old Windows. When it freezes RESTART! I kid you not. HOLD the home key (at the bottom) for about 20 seconds … until it goes past the ‘Safe to Clean Screen’ display … goes black … & then you will get a ‘Volvo’ logo. Once you see Volvo let go button. You will be good for a few hours. WAIT until you lose ALL audio. Same FIX. I kid you NOT. All the best. The 2022 XC60 sucks.


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