2022 Volvos, With Google Android ‘Infotainment’ System, Now Have ‘Sirius XM’ — I Know; I Have It On Mine.

by Anura Guruge
on November 3, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. Photo on my 2022 Volvo XC60 B5 AWD (Polestar).

Sirius XM is there for sure. I have it. I used it. It works well. I listened to it, non stop, for just over an hour yesterday — driving home in my new 2022 Volvo XC60 B5 AWD (Polestar).

The Over-the-Air (OTA) update to include it might not work. You might have to take your 2022 Volvo to a dealership & ask them to update the software.

As I had pointed out in this post, on October 29, 2021, Volvo had said it was sending out an OTA update to include support for Sirius XM. Appears the OTA might not have worked or it has rolled across that many customers as yet.

But, it appears that Volvo dealers got a new update around October 28, 2021. That had Sirius XM.

So, any dealer installed updates as of around October 28, 2021 will have Sirius XM.

Check with your Volvo dealer.

This is a GREAT relief. I am glad.

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