2022 Volvo XC60: Radio Suddenly Stopped Working While Driving! Not Funny.

by Anura Guruge
on February 5, 2022

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Another new & infuriating problem on this frigging, bloody, accursed piece of $60K junk that was sold to me by ‘Volvo Cars of Exeter‘ in November 2021. Worst, worst, worst mistake in my 68 year old life — & that has to be saying something. I hate this diabolical XC60, I hate Volvo.

Yesterday, Friday, February 4, 2022. I was scheduled for my 1-year post cataract surgery checkup with my amazing surgeon at OCB in Boston. Despite the storm we decided that we would try to make the appointment because getting appointments is not easy. We set out 3.75 hours ahead of the appointment on what is usually, at most, a 2-hour trip.

Driving along in the snow & sleet. Temp. hovering around 25F. Had Sirius XM on. Windscreen started to freeze. Went to the temp. control & set MAX. defrost etc. Suddenly the sound stopped. Nothing. Thought it was Sirius XM. So, switched to radio. Nothing.

Luckily my 15-year old daughter was with me. So, she could check & try things while I drove. She checked all the sound settings. All good. Nothing muted. So, we kept on trying different channels. Nothing.

Was coming up to a Rest Stop. Pulled over. Restarted the car. That did NOTHING. No sound. No audio.

Tried to call the salesman who sold me this bloody, accursed, diabolical car. Got through to him. But, no sound! Phone connected to car’s audio system.

Got my daughter to call him on HER phone. She had not connected that to the car. She has sense. She no longer likes this car, though it was she, initially, that wanted a XC60. She says, quite rightly, that it is too buggy. She, like I, wants a car that you can just get in and go without continually running into problems. No chance with this car. Piece of junk.

Well, he knew exactly what to do. They know the issues with the XC60.

I had to reset the ‘unit’ by holding down the ‘HOME’ button. Said I could do it while I am driving. This is f***ing SCARY. Resetting your car while you are driving in a bloody storm.

My daughter did it. I was focused on driving.

She held down the HOME button beyond the ‘Safe for Cleaning’ message. Maybe for 1 minute. Maybe longer. Then a ‘Volvo’ message comes back on.

The audio came back. AMAZING.

I did some Googling today. Seems to be a common problem & folks know that you have to reset the unit by holding down the HOME button.

I am NOT amused. I am NOT happy. I hate this bloody car. I hate Volvo. I won’t even mention what I think of the folks who sold me this car knowing that it had issues.

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