2022 Volvo XC60 OTA UPDATE — The Christmas Miracle.

by Anura Guruge
on December 26, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. Got this on Christmas Day when going out at 7pm to get Chinese takeout.

Click to ENLARGE. To be honest, this doesn’t seem to ADD much of importance.

But, the ALL IMPORTANT Android software has also been updated — without mention. That might help.

Click to ENLARGE. Got this, WITHOUT the arrows, in my e-mail on December 7, 2012

I got the above shown e-mail, notifying me that an OTA (i.e., Over The Air) update was available, on December 7, 2012. I tried a number of times over the next few days to get the update but was singularly unsuccessful. I was going to take it to a Dealership and get them to download it, BUT I could not get an appointment till after Christmas.

Then, on Christmas day, yesterday. Around 7pm. I am driving to get Chinese takeout. I get a notification message on my watch. I have an OTA update. Well, you can see from the images above as to what happened.

It did not start the download until the car was parked & locked — & I had authorized the download. It said 90 minutes, but I think it was done in about 40.

I have not driven it since the update so I can’t tell you if I can see any improvements. But, I will. I will. So, we still have some hope — I hope.

2 thoughts on “2022 Volvo XC60 OTA UPDATE — The Christmas Miracle.

  1. Richard Truely

    Christmas miracle? Please….consider Occam’s Razor.

    1. You were going out to retrieve Chinese food
    2. Software update “Drive modes shown in the driver display are now available in Chinese”.

    Happy Holidays to you and yours – Richard Truely


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